Summer School 2019

The difficult path from data sources to effective data use

The MIRACUM consortium (Medical Informatics in Research and Care in University Medicine) invites PhD students and young professionals to the second MIRACUM Summer School. The Summer School is part of our concept to strengthen Medical Informatics and takes place annually. This year’s four-day Summer School will be held in Kleinwalsertal. The guiding theme of the Summer School is “The difficult path from data sources to effective data use”. Under this theme, speakers from the MIRACUM consortium will address the recruitment, integration, processing, analysis and management of data from the particular perspective of IT use in the context of patient care and research. This reflects the journey of health data from source to use. In this context, the use cases of the MIRACUM project will also be presented. Furthermore, participants will be introduced to scientific working and writing, which is an important component for dealing with medical data in a scientific context.

While the focus during the day is primarily on the topic of “Medical Data Science”, there will be sufficient time in the evening for joint activities, intensive getting to know each other and team building, which will certainly have a lasting effect on cooperation later on.


22. – 26. September 2019


Marburger Haus
Wäldelestr. 16
D-87568, A-6992 Hirschegg



MIRACUM Summer School 2019