Eine Gruppe von circa 15 Menschen steht vor einem modernen Gebäude

Scientists from the two MII consortia MIRACUM (led by Prof. Dr. Prokosch, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg) and DIFUTURE (led by Prof. Dr. Boeker, Technische Universität München) set out on a European information tour in June to exchange ideas with experts from various scientific institutes and to find out about the paths of digital transformation in medical informatics at an international level. In the cities of Rennes, Paris, Basel and Rotterdam, commonalities and differences as well as possible synergies were discussed with the experts on site. Interoperability within the EU was thus often an important point within the lectures and discussion rounds. For example, the French colleagues reported that the French government is currently planning to set up data integration centers at university hospitals – similar to the approach of the German medical informatics initiative. Furthermore, in Switzerland it was possible to see, among other things, from the area of broad consent with currently approx. 500,000 consents and 100 million data sets, what can certainly also be achieved in Germany; at the same time, however, the relevance of secure funding and the necessity of a functioning infrastructure became clear. From the Netherlands it could be heard that the orientation and focus is currently on medical technology. In addition, reproducible research, biosemantics and observational data analysis will be important topics in the coming years.

List of hosts:

  • Marc Cuggia, Professeur d’informatique médicale Professeur d’informatique médicale (PUPH, MD, PhD) – Université de Renne
  • Corneliu Malciu, Co-Founder Arkhn – Paris
  • Katrin Crameri, Director, Personalized Health Informatics Group – SIB I Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics – Basel
  • Peter Rijnbeek, Professor of Medical Informatics and is the Chair of the Department of Medical Informatics of the Erasmus MC – Rotterdam