This is the headline of this year’s MIRACUM Journal and captures the core of the activities in the consortium quite well. Especially the past year has shown how important it is to bring research into practice. In the fourth issue we have therefore placed a special focus on activities in the context of COVID-19, namely on the NUM CODEX project.
Nevertheless, we would also like to report on the progress and successes of the consortium beyond COVID-19. The next milestones were reached in the MIRACUM use cases. And the cross-site use cases, CORD_MI and POLAR_MI, are also picking up speed. Moreover, ABIDE_MI was just recently added to this list, the background and aims of which are highlighted in Journal #4.
Keyword „addition“: We are looking forward to welcoming several junior research groups in the near future. In the Journal the already established group „CDS2USE“ from Dresden will be introduced. Furthermore, there have been some activities in the area of supporting young researchers. Besides the Online Master „Biomedizinische Informatik und Data Science„, the MIRACUM Spring and Summer Schools have developed to successful formats as can be read in the Journal.
This and much more content awaits you in the fourth issue of the MIRACUM Journal. Available here as a digital version:

This is the headline of this year’s MIRACUM Journal and captures the core of the activities in the consortium quite well. Especially the past year has shown how important it is to bring research into practice. In the fourth issue we have therefore placed a special focus on activities in the context of COVID-19, namely on the NUM CODEX project.
Nevertheless, we would also like to report on the progress and successes of the consortium beyond COVID-19. The next milestones were reached in the MIRACUM use cases. And the cross-site use cases, CORD_MI and POLAR_MI, are also picking up speed. Moreover, ABIDE_MI was just recently added to this list, the background and aims of which are highlighted in Journal #4.
Keyword „addition“: We are looking forward to welcoming several junior research groups in the near future. In the Journal the already established group „CDS2USE“ from Dresden will be introduced. Furthermore, there have been some activities in the area of supporting young researchers. Besides the Online Master „Biomedizinische Informatik und Data Science„, the MIRACUM Spring and Summer Schools have developed to successful formats as can be read in the Journal.
This and much more content awaits you in the fourth issue of the MIRACUM Journal. Available here as a digital version: